Healthy Late-Night Snacks for Your Next Movie Night

What is it about movie night that tempts even the most health-conscious of us to cheat a little in our snacking? You’ve probably been there more often than you’d like to admit: you resolve to stick with only healthy late-night snacks (or no late-night snacks at all), but the movie starts playing and next thing you know, your hand is buried in some ultra-buttery popcorn. Oops.

But there’s good news: choosing healthy late-night snacks is possible — even on movie night! The key is to have those healthy snacks on hand and ready to go ahead of time, and to make sure they taste good enough to draw you away from the junk food. 

Not sure where to start? Read on for some of our favorite healthy late-night snacks for your next movie night!

Key Considerations for Healthy Late-night Snacks

Before we get into the snack ideas, let’s talk about what makes for healthy late-night snacks in the first place. 

To start, you want to avoid snacking on foods that will negatively affect your sleep. Avoid snacks that are heavily salted, sugary, or high in carbohydrates. Also, try to avoid snacks that are easy to mindlessly munch away on without realizing just how much you’re consuming. 

Instead, choose snacks that are packed with nutrients. Not only are they better for you overall, but you’ll also fill up faster, making it easier to stop before you’ve eaten too much. 

Healthy Movie Night Snack Ideas

Instead of reaching for the same old chips and dip or popcorn drowned in butter, try some of these healthy late-night snacks instead. 

(Healthy) Popcorn

That’s right: you don’t have to ditch the popcorn altogether. (Hooray!) But, you do need to watch what’s put on it. 

On its own, popcorn actually has a surprising number of health benefits. It’s a whole grain, rich in fiber, and contains antioxidants and many other nutrients. 

The problem with most movie night popcorn is that it’s drenched in butter and salt (or sugar, if you’re a kettle corn fan). To make it healthier, air pop it yourself instead of buying the microwaveable bags, and limit the amount of salt and butter or oil you add. You might try spritzing it with a light coating of olive oil and tossing it with some seasoned salt for extra flavor.

Veggies & Hummus

If you’re wanting a snack that’s a little more substantial, veggies and hummus are a great option. Hummus is loaded with health benefits, and the number of ways you can enjoy it is limited only by your imagination. Dipping your favorite raw veggies in hummus is a simple, healthy late-night snack, especially if you limit the portions to avoid overeating. 

Fresh or Frozen Fruit

Maybe your movie night guilty pleasure isn’t popcorn — maybe it’s candy or other sweet treats instead. If that’s the case, try satisfying your sweets craving with natural sugars instead of refined ones. 

Slice some apples and dip them in your favorite nut butter, or chop up a few different types of fresh fruit and make a fruit salad. For an extra treat, try freezing berries, grapes, bananas, or other fruits ahead of time and enjoy them cold.

Outstanding Foods: Healthy Late-Night Snacks for Your Next Movie Night

Or, speaking of hummus, have you tried chocolate hummus? Some love it and some hate it, but it’s more than worth the experiment if you find yourself on the “love” side. Try it with some fresh strawberries for a healthy spin on a classic favorite.

If you’re still craving something, try slicing bananas then dipping each slice into some melted dark chocolate. If you’d like, dip them one last time into some chopped nuts for extra crunch. Place the dipped slices onto some parchment paper and then put them into the freezer. Take them out later for a delicious (and significantly healthier) sweet treat.  

Outstanding Puffs

Even with the best of intentions, sometimes you just crave junk food — and that’s okay! You’ll just need to get a little extra creative to find a healthy alternative that holds the same appeal. That’s where our Outstanding Puffs come in. 

Our puffs have all the satisfying crunch and powerful flavor of your favorite junky, crunchy, salty munchies, but they have a lot more health points. Packed with plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, they’re a great nutritional alternative to regular cheese puffs.

Make Healthy Late-night Snacks a Breeze

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a struggle. The more you find healthy late-night snacks that you like — and the more often you choose them over junk food — the easier it will be to continue making those healthier choices. 

Want more ideas for healthy late-night snacks — or healthy eating in general? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to learn more and join the conversation.