• Posted by Rai Cornell | Feb 13, 2023

    Superfood Powder: Does It Live Up to the Hype?

    Every year, supplement companies churn out millions of pills, pastes, and powders touted to cure everything from hair loss to hiccups. This year, superfood powder is *that* product that will probably consume your next three pay checks. Before you do that, though, you should learn a little about what it is. Here’s what you need to know about superfood powder and whether it’s right for you.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Feb 13, 2023

    The Best Plant-Based Candy for a Sweet Valentine’s Day

    Your plan for the perfect so-cheesy-your-date-will-melt Valentine’s Day is officially in action. You made reservations weeks in advance, spent hours scouring romantic movies only to settle on The Notebook (again), and even picked up a snazzy new outfit. But you’re stumped on the best plant-based candy to get your partner. Here are our top picks for the best plant-based candy to get your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jan 13, 2023

    The Best Cooking Oil for Tonight's Dinner

    Oil certainly doesn’t have the notoriety that avocado toast or cauliflower pizza do, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Coconut oil is having a BIG moment right now, but is it really the best cooking oil? Read on to learn about the pros and cons of all the healthiest cooking oils so you can choose the best one for your next controversy-free meal.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jan 13, 2023

    How to Make Compost From Kitchen Waste

    Let’s face it. Humans produce way too much waste. And while we all like to think about lowering our footprints, life gets busy and it’s hard to stick to a new routine. Sorting through your takeout containers is the last thing you want to do after a long day of work. Plus, most of us don’t know how to make compost from kitchen waste. Want to do more good for the planet? Here’s how to start composting your kitchen scraps.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jan 13, 2023

    Oat Milk: Benefits & Drawbacks

    There are few greater testaments to human ingenuity than oat milk. Well — maybe the pyramids and electricity are more impressive, but still! It’s truly astonishing that some visionary looked at the humble oat and saw in it the potential to become the tasty dairy substitute we know and love today. So, should you drink oat milk or not? Well, like so many things in life, oat milk has its benefits and drawbacks. In order for you to make an informed decision about any products, you have to weight the pros and cons.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jan 13, 2023

    Healthy Eating for Kids 101

    “Healthy eating for kids” sounds like an oxymoron, right? We’d all choose the fast-food-and-candy diet if that was a healthy option. Unfortunately, as adults, we know better. But our kids are blissfully unaware of the potential health problems that await them if they continue down the path of processed food. Here’s everything you need to know about healthy eating for kids.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jan 11, 2023

    3 Ways to Keep Your Healthy Lifestyle Changes Going Strong in the New Year

    Two weeks into your kickass new health journey, you were feeling strong, motivated, and — dare we say?— outstanding! But now it’s two months in and things have started to get routine. Your once exciting healthy lifestyle changes are now bland and repetitive. Read on for our top strategies to keep your healthy lifestyle changes strong throughout the year.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Dec 13, 2022

    Eight Egg-stra Amazing Egg Substitutes

    When you’re taking a look at new baking recipes and trying to incorporate your plant-based approach toward healthy eating, you’re likely seeing one common ingredient: eggs. How do you find a suitable replacement for this pivotal ingredient?

    Read on to learn about how to identify an ideal egg substitute that can help you hatch some amazing plant-based baking masterpieces!

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Dec 13, 2022

    Healthy Greens and Superfoods Snacks

    Most of us love to snack. In fact, snacking is more popular than sitting down for a balanced meal. We snack in between meals, and while we are vegging out in front of the TV.

    Health-conscious adults don’t want to load up their bodies or their kids with unhealthy junk, but we also don’t want to compromise nutrition for flavor.

    Now you don’t have to! Read on for our top five healthy greens and superfoods snacks that won’t leave you disappointed.
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