• Posted by Andrew Bernstein | Jun 18, 2024

    20 Best Snacks for Game Night: Healthy & Mess-Free Options

    Game nights are a fantastic way to bond with friends and family, but choosing the right snacks can make or break the evening. Not only should they be delicious, but they should also be easy to handle and clean. Here’s a list of our top picks for a game night that’s as fun as it is tasty! 1. Outstanding Cheese Balls One standout snack option for game night is our Outstanding Cheese Balls. These delicious bites are not only vegan and gluten-free but also pack a nutritional punch without the mess. They come in fabulous flavors like Cheddar, Jalapeno, and Garlic Parmesan,...

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Mar 18, 2023

    How to Pack Your Plant-Based Smoothies With Protein

    Plant-based smoothies are fantastic snacks for making real gains around your healthy lifestyle goals. And whey protein is arguably the most mainstream way to boost your protein intake in smoothies. However, as it’s derived from milk, whey doesn’t have a place in every plant-based person’s diet. Check out our favorite ingredients for healthy plant-based smoothies, as well as our top recipes that will fill you up and leave you feeling great!
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Mar 18, 2023

    Fight Fatigue With These Healthy Plant-Based Meals

    Many people feel tired because they’re not getting the right fuel. This is particularly true for those on a plant-based diet. This isn’t because plant-based diets are unhealthy. You just have to know what plant foods contain fatigue-fighting nutrients.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Mar 18, 2023

    3 Ways to Reduce Plastic Use Today

    Getting old is rough, and no one knows this better than Mother Nature (or a hungover 30-year-old, but we digress). Society’s overwhelming trash-it-first mentality is aging our planet by the day, and while there’s no fountain of youth to reverse the planet’s signs of aging, making an effort to reduce plastic use is one way we can help. Here are three ways you can reduce plastic use today.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Mar 18, 2023

    Which Nuts Are Highest in Protein, Minerals & Other Essential Nutrients?

    When it comes to which nuts are highest in protein and other essential nutrients, it’s hard to pick just one. Nuts are crunchy and flavorful and even come in their own all-natural, biodegradable packaging. It’s not hard to see why so many people are… NUTS about them (okay, we got the obligatory nut pun out of the way). So, which nuts are highest in protein, and which ones give you the biggest nut-ritional (sorry, we couldn’t resist) bang for your buck? Read on to find out.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Mar 18, 2023

    Gut Health Supplements & Their Benefits

    Like it or not, you host millions of tiny visitors in your intestines, many of which are there to help you. This community of friendly germs — your “intestinal flora” or “gut microbiome,” if you want to get fancy — plays a vital role in your health. Gut health supplements help keep your intestinal flora healthy. But what exactly are gut health supplements, and how do they work? Read on to find out.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Feb 13, 2023

    6 Outstanding Vegan Comfort Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter

    Whether you’re hiding from your responsibilities on a cold winter afternoon or FBI-level stalking your ex’s new crush, comfort foods can bring warmth into our lives on even our worst days. If you follow a plant-based diet, though, finding comfort food you can actually eat can be a challenge. Never fear — vegan comfort foods do exist! Here are six vegan comfort foods to keep you warm this winter.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Feb 13, 2023

    3 Sustainable Swaps You Can Make Today

    We’ll be frank: The planet isn’t getting any younger, and the need to reduce, reuse, recycle, and make sustainable swaps is more important than ever. But how can you as one person make a difference? You could barely take care of the housewarming plant your mom got you during lockdown; saving the planet is beyond your skill set. Check out these simple sustainable swaps that can help you cut out wasteful products and habits from your day-to-day life.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Feb 13, 2023

    How to Make Tofu Taste Good

    Boring, bland, bleak… That’s about the only way to describe a flavorless, colorless hunk of condensed soy milk. But tofu is the chameleon of spongy soy products: It can become almost anything. At some point, every plant-based foodie has wondered how to make tofu taste good. You’d be surprised to learn how easy it is. By getting to know tofu and brushing up on a few cooking tips, you can turn bland into that brand-new plant-based protein favorite you’ve been looking for. Here’s how to make tofu taste good.
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