• Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 18, 2022

    Vegan Popcorn Flavors to Keep You Coming Back For More

    Picture this: you’ve just flopped down to watch a movie or binge your favorite TV series. You grab the remote — and immediately start craving popcorn. There’s just one problem: the typical movie butter popcorn doesn’t exactly fit your vegan diet. But don’t panic — there are plenty of vegan popcorn options out there.

    Read on for some vegan popcorn flavoring ideas that are so yummy, they’ll make you forget about traditional popcorn!

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 02, 2022

    Quick, Easy & Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

    As if taking care of yourself wasn’t hard enough, now you’re charged with taking care of a new life quickly growing inside of you. Whatever you eat, Baby eats, and you want to make sure that your baby always eats the best. Let’s take a look at the specific nutrients needed for healthy fetal development and snacks for pregnant women that will help you and your baby.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 02, 2022

    5 Sustainable Vegan Snacks

    Most people who opt for a vegan diet do so for one of two reasons (or both): to cultivate healthier eating habits or to have a positive impact on the planet. Both reasons are equally important.

    Fortunately, there are many options for vegan snacks that will help you work toward both goals. But, especially if you’re new to veganism, you might not know where to find those options.

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 02, 2022

    Clean Eating for Weight Loss: The Basics

    Summer is just around the corner, and you know what that means — swimsuit season! But before you jump on the next fad diet train, consider building a habit of clean eating instead. Here are some basic principles of clean eating for weight loss that will help get you in shape this summer.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 02, 2022

    Protein-Packed Foods for Summer

    From cool, clean gazpacho to protein-packed puffs, you don’t have to choose between eating healthy and having fun. As the last of the snow finally melts away, summer is here to play, and you can enjoy it to the fullest while staying healthy with the help of these flavorful, protein-packed foods.
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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | Jun 02, 2022

    The Vegan Cheetos Substitute That’s Changing the Game

    Cheetos, the popular orange air-puffed snacks, have dominated the American snacking market for decades. Make no doubt about it, though: These corn snacks are most certainly junk food. Why, then, do they remain so popular — especially when are there better alternatives available?

    We’ve got all you need to know about the almighty cheeto. Most interestingly, we’ve got a hot take on a vegan cheeto that’s stealing the crown for best cheesy snack.

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | May 10, 2022

    Replenish Your Energy With These Vitamin B12 Sources

    If we’re honest, a lot of us rely on way too much caffeine to get through the day. But, especially on a plant-based diet, it’s more important to make sure you’re getting all the right nutrients. Many Vitamin B12 sources, for example, are found in animal products, so you’ll need to be extra proactive about getting more of them in your diet for more natural energy. 

    Read on to learn more about Vitamin B12 sources that can help you stay energized without excessive caffeination.

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | May 10, 2022

    Guilt-free Healthy Evening Snacks

    Whatever it is that’s keeping you up tonight, you can do so free of guilt — and full of flavor. From pistachios packed with melatonin to jicama dusted with seasonings, there are several healthy evening snacks just waiting for you to discover them! 

    We’ve got the best healthy evening snacks you can chow down on without any guilt (and without waking up the rest of the house).

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  • Posted by Rai Cornell | May 10, 2022

    5 Small Steps Toward a More Sustainable Lifestyle

    Many of us know that cultivating a sustainable lifestyle is beneficial both for us and for our planet as a whole. The problem, however, is that trying to change your lifestyle to be more sustainable can be overwhelming (to say the least). 

    Read on to learn more about what it means to live sustainably and what small but effective actions you can take now to start building a more sustainable lifestyle overall — without breaking the bank.

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